Canary Cry News Talk
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Think outside the Cage


About Canary Cry News Talk

CANARY CRY NEWS TALK is a podcast and streaming show that analyzes and deconstructs News and Current events as reported by Legacy Corporate Media and Alternative Media. All from a Biblical worldview! Hosted by us, Basil and Gonz of the Canary Cry Radio podcast!

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Value for Value

No advertisements. No affiliate codes. No vitamin male enhancement supplements. The global theology of the advertising industry has no place here. Big tech Silicon Valley giants like Facebook and Google owe the lion’s share of their profits to advertising. Big Data collection, the obliteration of personal privacy and the Hegelian mind control of the advertising industry are all that is wrong with the world. At Canary Cry Newstalk we operate on the value for value principal. Raise a rebel fist with producers from around the world and become part of the cycle of value that keeps free media alive.


Contrarian Canarian?


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